Rapier Basics

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In this Introduction to source-based Rapier for all levels you will learn the following:

1.) Terminology

Common and frequently used terms in Rapier to describe the weapon, distance, fencing positions and actions.

2.) Correct Posture and Guards

Who has a look at the copper engravings of Fabris book will think: „This looks exhausting and painful.“. This is absolutely not the case. You will learn to perform correctly all positions so that they come natural and make anatomically perfect sense.

3.) Footwork, Lunge and Ways to Attack
The footwork in Rapier decides between victory and defeat. There are a few principles that should be followed. You will learn these so that your lunge is fast enough to hit, but at the same time relaxed enough to be able to react. „The common way as used in brawling…“

4.) Distance and Blade Control: Trovare, Misura Larga & Misura Stretta, Cavation

Fabris fencing style relies on the principle of blade advantage. You will learn to obtain this advantage and keep it until the thrust.

Beginners should find everything they need to start and experienced fencers get a new perspective on the basics.


About the Instructors

Florian Fortner

Discipline: Rapier
Video Series:
Basics of Salvator Fabris (Level: Beginner to Expert)
Language: German (Austrian Dialect) + English subtitles

My Name is Florian Fortner and for more than 10 years I am in love with rapier, sidesword, and recently also longsword fencing. I am measuring historical weapons and clothing and reproduce them to give fencing the right context. Julian Schrattenecker and myself are working intensivly on the reconstruction of the fencing tradition of Salvator Fabris and his german lineage. Here on HEMATICS we give you a fundamental and detailed introduction into the Basics of this style.

German version below:
Mein Name ist Florian Fortner und mein Herz schlägt bereits seit über 10 Jahren für das 16. Jhdt. – Fechten im Rapier, Seitschwert und seit kurzem auch Langschwert. Ausserdem vermesse und reproduziere ich historische Waffen und Kleidung, um dem Fechten einen passenden Kontext zu geben. Julian Schrattenecker und ich arbeiten intensiv an der Rekonstruktion der Fechttradition von Salvator Fabris und seiner Linie im deutschsprachigen Raum. Hier auf HEMATICS wollen wir euch eine fundierte & detaillierte Einführung in die Grundlagen dieses Stils präsentieren.

The Introduction into source-based Rapier basics for all levels consists of 4 parts:
1.) Correct Guards
Who has a look at the copper engravings of Fabris book will think: „This looks exhausting and painful.“. This is absolutely not the case. If performed correctly all positions come natural and make anatomically perfect sense.
2.) Footwork
The footwork in Rapier decides between victory and defeat. There are a few principles that should be followed.
3.) Lunge
„The common way as used in brawling…“ The right lunge is fast enough to hit, but at the same time relaxed enough to be able to react.
4.) Trovare & Contrapostur
Fabris fencing style relies on the principle of blade advantage. We show you how you obtain this advantage and keep it until the thrust.

German version below:
Eine Einführung in quellentreue Rapier Basics für sämtliche Erfahrungsstufen in 4 Einheiten:
1.) Korrekte Guardien
Wer nur die Kupferstiche in Fabris‘ Buch betrachtet, denkt: „das sieht anstrengend und schmerzhaft aus“. Weder noch – korrekt ausgeführt sind sämtliche Posturen natürlich und anatomisch sinnvoll.
2.) Beinarbeit
Die Schritte im Rapier entscheiden über Sieg und Niederlage. Ein paar einfache Prinzipien gilt es zu beachten.
3.) Ausfall
„Die gemeinste Arth so im Rauffen gebrauchet wird…“ Der richtige Ausfall ist schnell genug um zu treffen, aber zugleich entspannt genug um reagieren zu können.
4.) Trovare & Contrapostur
Der Fechtstil basiert auf dem Prinzip des Klingenvorteils. Wir zeigen wie man diesen erlangt und bis zum Stoß behält.

Julian Schrattenecker

Discipline: Rapier
Video Series:
Basics of Salvator Fabris (Level: Beginner to Expert)
Language: German (Austrian Dialect) + English subtitles

I am Julian Schrattenecker. More than 10 years ago I started fencing and since then I have been engaged with the different aspects of historical fencing. I received my first fencing instructions from Peter Zillinger in the fencing school “Klingenspiel” based on the rapier fencing style of Capo Ferro. After about 2 years my focus shifted to the fencing style of Salvator Fabris. Since then, Florian Fortner and I have been working intensively on this fencing style which existed in a very similar form in German-speaking areas until the early 19th century. In 2014 we decided to produce our own fencing swords based on original antiques to deepen our understanding in rapier fencing further. We took detailed measurements of swords from private collections and museums, such as the “Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer”. Also, we were not satisfied to improve our understanding of fencing by acquiring techniques from fencing books and producing our own sword. So, we also decided to transcribe different manuscripts about fencing of the 16th and 17th century, such as HS381 from the Palais Liechtenstein, and publicise our transcriptions for the historical fencing community.

German version below:
Ich bin Julian Schrattenecker. Seit über 10 Jahren beschäftige ich mich mit großer Begeisterung mit verschiedenen Aspekten des historischen Fechtens. Meine ersten Fechtlektionen erhielt ich in der Fechtschule Klingenspiel unter der Anleitung von Peter Zillinger mit Grundlagen im Rapier nach Capo Ferro. Doch nach circa 2 Jahren verschob sich mein Fokus auf den Rapier-Fechtstil von Salvator Fabris. Seitdem beschäftigen sich Florian Fortner und ich intensiv mit diesem Fechtstil, der sich bis ins frühe 19. Jhdt. im deutschsprachigen Raum gehalten hat. Um unser Verständnis für das Rapierfechten weiter zu verfeinern, entschieden wir uns 2014 dazu, selbst Schwerter nach Originalen anzufertigen. Hierzu begannen wir Schwerter aus verschiedenen privaten Sammlungen und Museen, wie z.B. Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer, detailliert zu vermessen und auf Grundlage dieser Daten übungstaugliche Fechtwaffen anzufertigen, welche ein Handling möglichst nahe am Original aufweisen. Die Erarbeitung der Fechttechniken aus historischen Büchern über die Fechtkunst und die Herstellung eigener Schwerter war uns nicht genug. Daher begannen wir auch mit der Transkription von verschiedenen Manuskripten über die Fechtkunst des 16. und 17. Jhdt., wie z.B. HS381 aus dem Palais Liechtenstein, und veröffentlichten diese, um sie weiteren Fechtbegeisterten zugänglich zu machen.

The Introduction into source-based Rapier basics for all levels consists of 4 parts:
1.) Correct Guards
Who has a look at the copper engravings of Fabris book will think: „This looks exhausting and painful.“. This is absolutely not the case. If performed correctly all positions come natural and make anatomically perfect sense.
2.) Footwork
The footwork in Rapier decides between victory and defeat. There are a few principles that should be followed.
3.) Lunge
„The common way as used in brawling…“ The right lunge is fast enough to hit, but at the same time relaxed enough to be able to react.
4.) Trovare & Contrapostur
Fabris fencing style relies on the principle of blade advantage. We show you how you obtain this advantage and keep it until the thrust.

German version below:
Eine Einführung in quellentreue Rapier Basics für sämtliche Erfahrungsstufen in 4 Einheiten:
1.) Korrekte Guardien
Wer nur die Kupferstiche in Fabris‘ Buch betrachtet, denkt: „das sieht anstrengend und schmerzhaft aus“. Weder noch – korrekt ausgeführt sind sämtliche Posturen natürlich und anatomisch sinnvoll.
2.) Beinarbeit
Die Schritte im Rapier entscheiden über Sieg und Niederlage. Ein paar einfache Prinzipien gilt es zu beachten.
3.) Ausfall
„Die gemeinste Arth so im Rauffen gebrauchet wird…“ Der richtige Ausfall ist schnell genug um zu treffen, aber zugleich entspannt genug um reagieren zu können.
4.) Trovare & Contrapostur
Der Fechtstil basiert auf dem Prinzip des Klingenvorteils. Wir zeigen wie man diesen erlangt und bis zum Stoß behält.



In this short video Florian Fortner is introducing you to the Rapier videos. He talks about the historical source of Salvator Fabris and his style of fencing. He also gives some information on the sword itself as well as tips on choosing the right one.


Florian Fortner talks about the most common and frequently used terms in Rapier. Words you need to describe the weapon, distance and fencing positions and actions.


Florian Fortner explains how to hold the Rapier. He shows how to take fencing postion and find into the guard. At the end he shows some common mistakes and how to correct them.


The most important attack in rapier is the lunge. In this video Florian Fortner shows us when to perform the lunge and how this complex thrust attack can be devided into small exercises. At the end you get an exercise to test if your lunge works and as usual in our Rapier series: A troubleshooting of the most common mistakes. Enjoy thrusting!

Misura Larga & Trovare

In this video Julian Schrattenecker first shows how to get close to your opponent in a safe way. One key element is to get an advantage over the opponents blade. From there attacks of the oponents can be defended in a beautiful way. At last you will see some common mistakes and advice how to correct them.

Misura Stretta

In this video Julian Schrattenecker shows how to deal with an opponent who does not give a tempo for your fencing action. You first establish control over the enemies blade, then get closer with care and end the fight with a quick thrust. Julian also shows a solution for opponents who manage to interrupt you while closing the distance. Quick, concise, elegant and efficient.


In this video Julian Schrattenecker shows a small but highliy efficient movement to avoid the opponents blade: The Cavation. With it you change from one side to the other. He also shows how to continue after the cavation with a lunge attack. Enjoy!